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Name: Unknown
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
I know I'm a nerd but this is what happens when I get bored at work. :)

(X) been drunk
(_) kissed a member of the opposite sex (though they have tried) :D
(_) kissed a member of the same sex (no, but had a highschool kid ask me to kiss my friend – a girl)
(_) had sex
(_) been to Japan
(X) ridden in a taxi (through Times Square – they really are as crazy as the movies)
(_) been in love (not sure… I say no because I hope love is going to be a bigger deal)
(_) been dumped
(X) shoplifted (a package of that zebra gum when I was about seven and lip gloss a few years later)
(_) been fired
(X) been in a fist fight (with my brother and with my bed – my brother fought back)
(_) sneaked out of your parents house
(X) had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back
(_) been arrested
(_) made out with a stranger (no - just danced with ‘em)
(_) celebrated new years in times square (not yet but hopefully that will be remedied in a few months)
(_) gone on a blind date (haven’t really even gone on a eyes-open date)
(X) lied to a friend
(_) had a crush on a teacher (Umm.. no. My teacher was my mom…)
(_) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans
(X) been to europe (France)
(X) skipped school (hehehe)
(X) cut yourself on purpose
(_) seen someone die
(_) been to africa
(_) had a crush on one of your blogging friends
(X) slapped someone you loved (my poor sister…)
(X) driven over 400 miles to attend a show/festival/fetish ball (Brother’s Eagle Ceremony?)
(X) been to canada
(X) been to mexico
(X) been on a plane
(_) been on a helicopter
(X) been to an opera
(X) smoked
(_) thrown up in a bar (thankful no!)
(X) purposely set a part of yourself on fire (generally just my hands but occasionally my hair)
(_) eaten sushi
(X) been snowboarding (ouch)
(_) been surfing (I was supposed to go last weekend though!)
(X) jumped off a cliff
(X) jumped off a bridge
(X) been scuba diving
(_) met someone in person from the internet
(X) been moshing at a concert
(X) been in a car accident
(_) had feelings for someone you knew only online
(X) had braces (how else do you think I have these gorgeous teeth?)
(_) had plastic surgery (not yet… hopefully soon)
(_) broken a bone
(_) been in an abusive relationship
(X) gone to college
(X) graduated college
(X) picked your nose (and then flicked the booger at you when you weren’t looking)
(_) tried killing yourself
(X) thought about trying to kill yourself
(X) taken painkillers
(X) miss someone right now
posted by Unknown @ 1:17 AM   0 comments
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
The tattoo was a false alarm. J and I were going to get henna tattoos (I know, that's like cheating or something) right before we headed to NY. We wanted to freak out the friends we were visiting but it just did not work out. *shrug* Maybe some other time.

Today is my first day back at work. I may be physically planted in front of this stone age computer with stacks of mutilated trees in front of me but my mind is still running the streets of New York. Brooke, I totally know how you feel. I have spent the last five days just staring in awe at buildings... and not sleeping much!

Things I did in New York:
- Never slept at night (would sleep when the sun was starting to rise)
- Saw Times Square at 4am
- Went clubbing in the Meat Packing District
- Ate pizza in Times Square
- Saw Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero, Rockefeller Center, Grand Central Station, Wall Street, Central Park, Brooklyn Bridge, Chinatown, etc.
- Ate dinner in Little Italy (ordered calamari. I was unaware until this point that calamari could come un-fried ... with little baby squids... It is hard to eat food with more arms and legs than me)
- Danced with a couple hot guys
- Spit off the edge of the Empire State Building (the view is wow - like really wow)
- Survived a taxi ride
- Navigated my way through the New York underground
- Tasted various wines (including Strawberry Wine) at a vineyard.
- Had a beer in the Times Square Brewery
- Laid out by the Atlantic Ocean in Montauk ("The end of the world")
- Pretended I was rich and famous in Hamptons (made everyone else feel like they were retarded because they did not know who I was)
- Had Richard Gere say "Hi" to one of my best friends at the airport where she worked (OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!)
- Rode glass elevators in the W Hotel - 47 stories (the first elevator we entered contained two students in formals sitting on the floor discussing the deconstructionalism of a turkey - however, after quickly exiting that one, the other elevators were thankful free of Socratic club debates)
- Had a random lady teach us (group of six girls) how to through guys off track when they are using pick-up lines. She was kind of weird...

Overall, the experience was crazy, new, exciting, weird, and totally sweet. Words do not exist to express my feelings and reactions to the time I spent in the state of New York. However, I am planning on moving there in a month so just come visit and you can experience it yourself.

Shoot... work demands attention... later y'all

(and just because I'm slightly sadistic, I am not going to spell check or review it at all! Hahaha!)
posted by Unknown @ 6:19 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
I got my hair cut. I know this might seem like a small deal to you. It probably is. But that is because you do not understand. I have been planning/saying/anticipating to get my hair cut for a while now. I believe this saga* began ... approximately December 29th at 10:30. I was home on break and people were coming down off their various degrees of "Jolly Ol' Saint Nick" highs. My sister woke me up at this God-forsaken hour of the morning. "We should go get our hair cut together!" *Moan* "Umm... huh? Go away, then wake me up for lunch." She kept insisting until I finally told her that would perfectly acceptable with me, though I did not think I needed a trim (geeze, I'd just gotten it cut in like August), if she could wait until the next day (I was pretty sure I would be awake by then). Something was started that day that did not end until last night at 6:17. I guess it is clear that we did not go the next day... or the next... or the next... Then I went to Winter Park for a few days, then I went back to school, then I had to diligently put off papers and studying and various forms of homework, then I went to Turkey, then I was graduating, then I was back in Colorado. At least once a week (sometimes anywhere from seven to fourteen times a day) during those 7 months I declared that "I need to get my hair cut. I'll do it this weekend." Then this week happened. It began normally, "I need to get my hair cut. I'll do it this weekend." However, a thought dawned. Wait, I'll be in New York this weekend. I will not be able to do it this weekend. I have to do it NOW! So right after work, without passing go, I found myself outside Hair-tique. *Deep breath* Oh my gawd, it's finally happening! I walked inside, the lady asked how she could help me and in about 2.6 and a half seconds, I was GETTING MY HAIR CUT! I told her to simply take off as much as she needed to get all the split/dead ends off. At first she guestimated it would be about an inch to an inch and a half. However, when it came to actually looking at those spilt ends, she had to take THREE INCHES! (Granted, not that much to lose for my hair but that is like walking around with half your arm eaten away by some ugly skin disease!) Now my hair actually looks like HAIR instead of a badger that is trying to beat my ears out of control of my head. So yeah, apparently waiting over a year is a bit too long. That is my saga concerning my hair.

*Saga: a long somewhat boring and way too detailed account (italics my own )

*Disclaimer: My hair is still long and you would not even notice the missing three inches so no lynching please. (I guess that's not really a disclaimer as such but whatever, see if I care.) Oh, and now I look extra hot thanks to my sexy hair. Oh, I'm getting a tattoo over lunch break.
posted by Unknown @ 6:27 PM   0 comments
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Someone please remind me why I am still in this crazy place? Why am I still working for a company where people call in to yell at me all the time? I get chewed out by co-workers for accidentally telling the truth, I get chewed out by others for trying to help... Is there something wrong with this picture?? I keep wishing and hoping that life is going to change. However, I got a really encouraging/convicting email today. It's the cool kind because the guy did not even mean to do it. He was just talking about what was happening in his life. This sentence really stood out: "No hardship the Lithuanians can throw at me will ever make this experience a poor one." His attitude toward his situation is one that he chose. Just because life might be rough and he's going to be in many situations that will stretch him, he knows that he is there for God. If I can look at my various situations - even the ones where clients call in and rip me a new one - with a positive attitude, then at least I can come out of this situation a stronger person (well, alive anyway). It might not be one that I will ever want to do over or wish upon my worst enemy, but I will be more. Isn't that one of the main purpose of life? To honor God and grow through everything we do? It is not my place to look at my life and start cussing and wishing I was somewhere else, doing something else. God has me in this situation for a reason. (That does not mean that I am not going to dream and work to fulfill those dreams!) If I do not know that reason then the least I can do is live my life as a sacrifice to God. The reason will then most likely be fulfilled, whether or not I ever knew what it was. So for as long as I am in this situation: No hardship this company can throw at me will ever make this experience a poor one. (Lord, please help me actually live this out! Then once I get the right attitude down for this job - God can help me begin applying it to my whole life.) Until then... I get to go home and pray the next 15 hours will go slowly until I have to come back here again.
Peace out y'all.
posted by Unknown @ 1:45 AM   0 comments