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Name: Unknown
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Monday, November 29, 2004
Christmas is in the air! *Happy Christmas jingle* The lights strung on houses and trees, hot cocoa in front of crackling fireplaces, commercialism going through the roof, Christmas carols on the radio, sleeping in a tent in the backyard .... *music stops abruptly* "Um... did she just say what I think she just said?" "Nah, no one's that stupid."

This weekend the front range area of Colorado has been in a "winter storm." Basically this means freezing weather and lots of snow. LOTS. OF. SNOW. Natives of Colorado take this forecast to mean a lovely evening (or two or three) in front of the fireplace (or more likely, the TV), only going outside to shovel the walk occasionally. My sister, however, marches to her own beat (of a totally different instrument). She took the forecast to mean camp out! Unfortunately, I'm not very good at saying "no." So, on the worst night of the whole year so far (six inches of snow on the ground and still coming fast), she and I set up our tent in our backyard.

I will have you know that I actually slept in the tent throughout the whole night. It was pretty comfortable too. A mattress of snow is rather soft. It kept snowing all night so when we got up the snow was about six inches up the sides of the tent. For any of you out there with this opportunity, I would definitely recommend taking advantage it. The frostbite eventual goes away (or its cut off...no problem).
posted by Unknown @ 10:43 AM   0 comments
Christmas is in the air! *Happy Christmas jingle* The lights strung on houses and trees, hot cocoa in front of crackling fireplaces, commercialism going through the roof, Christmas carols on the radio, sleeping in a tent in the backyard .... *music stops abruptly* "Um... did she just say what I think she just said?" "Nah, no one's that stupid."

This weekend the front range area of Colorado has been in a "winter storm." Basically this means freezing weather and lots of snow. LOTS. OF. SNOW. Natives of Colorado take this forecast to mean a lovely evening (or two or three) in front of the fireplace (or more likely, the TV), only going outside to shovel the walk occasionally. My sister, however, marches to her own beat (of a totally different instrument). She took the forecast to mean camp out! Unfortunately, I'm not very good at saying "no." So, on the worst night of the whole year so far (six inches of snow on the ground and still coming fast), she and I set up our tent in our backyard.

I will have you know that I actually slept in the tent throughout the whole night. It was pretty comfortable too. A mattress of snow is rather soft. It kept snowing all night so when we got up the snow was about six inches up the sides of the tent. For any of you out there with this opportunity, I would definitely recommend taking advantage it. The frostbite eventual goes away (or its cut off...no problem).
posted by Unknown @ 10:43 AM   0 comments
Sunday, November 21, 2004
I have always had the "big sister" mentality (that's generally what happens when you're the big sister). The "I can beat my brother up but if you touch him, I'll kill you" attitude (that did kind of changed when he got bigger then me though...). As for my younger sisters, guys beware. However, in the past few months I have noticed these feelings getting a little stronger. Maybe that is because I have been developing closer ties with my siblings or maybe because they are getting older. The second my brother starts talking about some girl - "*insert girl's name* gave me a ride home" - I begin my inquistion: "Who's that?" "What's she like?" "Do you like her?" "Is she a devil worshipper?" You know, the important things. And right then and there I decide I need to keep my eye open for this girl. I am even worse when some girl comes running up to my brother to give him a hug (and at my church - girls tend to be huggy). I look at that girl like, "Oh no you didn'!" Then my bro introduces her and I have to be all polite. Blah. The same goes for my sisters and their guy friends - but thankfully, I can be a little more openly hostile to the guys and everything is okay.

However, those kind of girls (and guys for my sisters) are everyday troubles. I can handle those. The worst thing is the other kind of girls. Not the ones my brother drags in but the ones who come tripping into the house arm in arm with my sisters. Their "friends." I have never had the best of luck with girl friends. Not really sure why but it just not seem to work out very well. I, of course, of tons of theories but that can be for a different post if I ever open up that much on this blog. While I have been able to live (I wouldn't say "deal") with my friends making a fool of me and using me, I cannot stand to see my sisters' friends doing that to them. Unbeknownst to most of you, patience is actually not my middle name. My brother's favorite song to sing to me is actually "Patience is a virtue, virtue is a grace..." I have no patience for girls who think they can push my sisters around. Maybe they do not realize they are doing it or maybe my sisters are not aware it is happening, but there is no way in hell those girls are going to get away with it. However, this can present a problem: it generally embarrases my sisters.

Let me give an example. Tonight, L had one of her good friends come over. She has been trying to put forth an effort to continue hanging out with H since H got a boyfriend and pretty much dropped all her friends. So H comes over, the two of them hang out for a while and everything is honky dory, however, when I get home (around midnight) H is on the phone with her boyfriend! And has been for the past 15 minutes. They continue talking for another 15 minutes while my sister sits there and listens. How rude is that?? I nearly flipped. Finally my dad walked over and told her to get off the phone. That set me off on this chain of thinking. What really bothered me is when we (my dad and I) tried to show my sister how H was just using her to talk to her boyfriend (who, btw, had come over to our house with H for a while anyway), L just defended her. I guess that is what a good friend should do... but grrr! From personal experience I know what it feels like to be the good friend in a relationship and have the other "good" friend simply take advantage of that.

Maybe I am just being over protective and do not want to see my siblings get hurt. I know that a lot of life is learned through pain but I would hope that there was some way for me to be the one who got hurt and for them to learn from it.
posted by Unknown @ 12:40 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Proof that I miss school:

LeTourneau is well-known for its "nerd" population. Those (girls and guys) who will stay up three days and nights to beat their own best score. Those who will use up ALL THE BANDWIDTH just so they can miss classes, fail courses, and beat Fable. World of Warcraft has caused more than just one or two students to miss meals and sleep. For three years I was surrounded by friends and acquaintances who have, at least in some part, an obsession with computer and video games. I have always prided myself on my ability to rise above the siren call of these games, to focus on more important things like partying, hanging out with friends, or actually doing homework. I have never lost sleep due to an overwhelming urge to "get to the next level." When I graduated, I thought I had gotten away from that whole "scene"...

Halo 2 was released last night at midnight.

Monday was a very normal day. Worked on my car (#$%^ car), ran errands, looked for a job, watched a movie, ate - totally average. At 10pm I was talking with a couple of my sister's friends. At 11pm, I was firmly planted in a growing line in the middle of the Ft. Collins mall with a few friends and EVERY SINGLE NERD in the Front Range area. What happened to me? I went from being rather normal somewhat quirky but hardly nerdy to standing in line (a rather long one I might add) waiting for the early release of Halo 2 surrounded by guys who had asked for the next three days off from work just to play the game! One guy even threatened to break up with his girlfriend if she would not leave him completely alone for the week. (Thankfully, she was okay with it so they are still together.)

Of course, there was no WAY I was going to stand in line for two hours (yeah, it took us an hour to get through the line after they started handing them out - and we were in the front third of the fast lane) and then just go home. I headed over to J. J.'s. After four more hours of Halo 2, pizza, pop, and coffee laced with SoCo, I finally headed home to sleep.

Tuesday has been a very normal day. Maybe last night was just a fluke.
posted by Unknown @ 8:30 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
I wish I were a glow worm,
A glow worm's never glum...

'Cuz how can you be grumpy,
When the sun shines out your bum??
posted by Unknown @ 8:02 PM   0 comments