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Name: Unknown
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
Quick update as I am running out the door:

Finally had the "official" date with D. Had a good time. He was impressed at my appearance. (Remember, the only time he has seen me before this was at the gym - not my most stellar moments.) We ate at Bennigan's. It was kind of weird because there was another guy there, a friend of D. They were there to watch the Eagle's game - or something like that. We did not watch a lick of hockey so I did not really understand. He did most of the talking so I still do not know D very well. After dinner, we went back to his hotel (he lives in my town but is taking some classes in Denver this week and last) so he could "grab something" then we were going to go somewhere else. The "something" that he had to grab was actually a few hits. Do I have a frickin' sign on my forehead that attracts potheads??? We smoked a bowl. Well, I had a couple hits, he smoked the rest of it. Then we went to Chili's for drinks. I had a Dr. Pepper - you know me, going for the hard stuff! ;) Then I gave him a hug and drove home. No hearts skipping their beats and no feet being swept off the ground. Oh well. He's hilarious so I am sure we will still have fun working out together and maybe the occasional drink... but nothing more. It was interesting using the LU nerdiness that rubbed off on me to talk about Linux with him though.
posted by Unknown @ 1:58 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Gorbachev was great! I enjoyed his lecture. It was weird at first getting used to the nearly simultaneous translation but after I finally figured out how to watch him but hear the English then I was golden. (Trust me... it was harder than it sounds! I kept watching him and only hearing the Russian, but if I completely ignored him and just stared into space, then I'd catch the English. It also helped when they turned down Gorbachev's mike so the English wasn't quieter than the Russian. Gotta love college sound techs!)

While I was at the Gorbachev lecture, Dave (the red-head from the gym) called. "Hey Lauren, just wanted to hear your voice.... *Rolls eyes* It is sweet though. He wanted to get together around 8 on Sunday morning to play raquetball. (Ha! Yeah right! You guys know me know... have I EVER been up at 8 AM on a weekend? Staying up until 8am doesn't count.) I was out of minutes so I was going to wait until Saturday to call him back. Well, apparently patience is not his strong suite. He calls me at 8:45 am Saturday morning. Thanks alot. I went to bed like, what, five hours ago??? Not a great way to win brownie points. Again, I roll my eyes and go back to sleep. Two and half hours later, I finally wake up (I know I don't need it... but a girl's gotta have her beauty rest). I figure I'll call him back on my way over to J's house around 1pm. No such luck... He calls again at 12:30. I finally answer (nice of me, huh?). I inform him that raquetball would be great... but if he actually thinks I'm dragging my ass out of bed at 8 frickin' AM to run around a court after a stupid little green ball, he can keep dreaming. He agreed that 10am would be fine as well. (What an agreeable guy.) :D Raquetball was fun... I mostly lost - won one game out of, I think, four. But I hit him really hard with the ball so I figure we're even. We're supposed to have an official date some time this week or next. I'll let you know.

And now... *drumroll* I have a job. Today was my first day. I had fun and felt like I figured out really quickly... since it was REALLY simple. Now I will go hide between the couch and the window curtain in embarrasement while my evil twin, who likes to tell embarrasing stuff about me, will tell you what I am doing.... I am a hostess. Okay, it's not that bad. I just feel really retarded working as a hostess when I have a college degree. Granted, it is paying the bills so I am not too against it. I'd like to move up to server here pretty soon but I doubt it is going to happen. The restaurant I am at - Mimi's Cafe - is constantly busy so they need experienced staff. Especially since they just openned and want to make an awesome impression on everyone. Maybe I can get a server job at a different restaurant and learn there. Oh... good idea. The worst thing about the hostessing though... I am the only one there over 20. The rest of the girls are just out of highschool. I guess God will use this opportunity to teach me to swallow the oh, so bitter pill of humility.

Oh... and btw... one of my best friends might be moving out to California! Pray for her please as she makes her decision.

Now good night. My feet are killing me.
posted by Unknown @ 6:19 AM   0 comments
Thursday, April 14, 2005
I woke up this morning, stretched, yawned, then snuggled back under my covers for a couple more minutes of rest content in my knowledge that today was Friday. I had to work a few hours - no problem - then bring on the weekend! Then I woke up a couple minutes later with the depressing realization that today was, in fact, only Thursday. :( Oh well. Tomorrow's Friday. That's cool.

I am going to hear Gorbachev speak tonight. For those of you who do not remember your history lessons: Gorbachev was active in Russian Communist politics his whole life and became president of the Soviet Union for a few years. Always a big wig though, met with President Reagan for the summit talks. Apparently, he also was a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. Remember him? Come on guys! It's history here! Okay yeah, confession... I just had to google him so I knew who in the world I was going to be listening to tonight! Sounds interesting though. Hopefully it will be good.

I worked out again last night. Yay me. I am soooo sore. Those two guys were there again. [Quick update for those who don't know - I met these two guys on Tuesday at the club where I work out. We talked for a while on the bikes and agreed to look for each other the next night. Cool guys... a lot of fun.] One was leaving right as I got there but I ended up working out with the other one (the red-head, Dave). We did cardio together. I had a shocking realization, I am soooooo out of shape (well, not so much a realization since I already knew it). Talk about embarrassing. The club was the one place I could go and completely not give a rat's fart in space to how I looked and what anyone else thought of me. I was totally fine with just doing my own thing and letting everyone else go the way of the tumbleweeds. I'd go, concentrate on beating ever ounce of frustration, annoyance, and anything bad about the day out of my body then put on my headphones and watch tv or listen to music while doing cardio. It was nice, it worked. Now, enter red-head from stage left. We had a good time though. He's great, we laughed, talked, shot the bull, etc. After cardio (which he kept laughing at me because I was DYING - he was only doing a flat program, my program actually went uphill! Give me a break!), we stretched for a little while then he told me he'd walk me to my car if I'd let him grab his stuff. I agreed, he grabbed his stuff, I grabbed mine, we walked out to my car. We talked for a little longer then he said, "Well hey, I'd like to take you out some time." I wittily replied, "Oh yeah?" (Why can't I ever think of something INTELLIGENT to say? Or, at least, semi-smart?) He laughed at me then said, "Yeah." Then looked his question. So I had to actually give him an answer... "Hmm... I would probably be okay with that." (The last guy to ask me out was a 40 year old creepy guy so hey, not gorgeous, but DEFINITELY an improvement! Plus... you forget... this is right after working out - hard - for an hour and half. My hair is probably not ready for a glamour, my face is a very ungraceful shade of RED, and I'm wearing a big ol' t-shirt, my brother's b-ball shorts, and I believe I have shaved at some point this month. If he can ask me out looking like that, heck yeah, I'll say yes!) So I gave him my number but told him that I wouldn't answer my phone until Saturday. "I'm out of minutes." I explained. He said he'd leave me a couple dirty messages in that case. Then we split ways until the next workout session.

Oh... I also had a dream last night. I am not sure what it was about. I only remember parts of it. I was in a truck with some guy (not sure who) and we "accidentally" (i think the guy did it on purpose) ran over a brand new, white, convertable VW Bug. Though we totally ran over the front of it (it was a BIG truck), it only left a few scratches. Still, I felt HORRIBLE and got out to talk to the guys in the bug. They were the two guys from the gym. They kept saying, "Oh, don't worry about it. It happens all the time." Then we were inside a bank or some building like that trying to steal something. There was another group in there also trying to steal the same thing (not sure what). My group had one girl (me) and the other group had one girl also. So, naturally, the two girls started fighting. I am not sure what started it but she swung first (for some reason that was important to me). I proceeded to kick her ass. Royally. Then I got her in this really weird hold. I crossed my legs then got her neck in between my calves, or something like that, and then squeezed. I guess I was walking on my hands or floating or something because she was still standing up. I held her there for quite a while - she was kicking, punching, and cussing but not getting anywhere - then a security guard showed up. He told me to "let the poor dumb blonde go" and then asked why we were all there. I told him that I was sorry to disturb him and that we were planning to steal whatever. He said he was sorry but he was not able to let me do that. We shook hands and everyone left.
posted by Unknown @ 11:37 PM   0 comments
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Early Morning Drama

I got up this morning, got dressed, had breakfast... you know the whole deal. It was great. I was not running late at all. When I left I knew that I had PLENTY of time to get out to work. I am tooling along the back roads, enjoying the sunshine, and trying to use the force of my will to keep the clouds away from the sun (regretfully my will was not strong enough). When, lo and behold!a road closed sign. After catching my breath and frantically looking around, I realized that, whew, I was okay. I was supposed to turn right before the closed road anyway. No problem. Oh wait... problem... While these roads are still considered "back" they are well-traveled. The majority of people go straight instead of turning where I do (which is why I turn - less traffic, less people, faster speeds - woohoo!). So, the road people decided to simply make everyone else turn also. This worked alright until we drive up to the light. Well, I say "drive up to the light" but it was more like "drive within sight of the light" and that's looking across from the top of a hill. I had to wait for EIGHT MINUTES (yeah... I counted) to get through that stupid light!And now I was late for work.
posted by Unknown @ 7:08 PM   0 comments