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Name: Unknown
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
The Beginning of an Adventure: Part 1
The bags are out, the clothes spread across the bed, various other essentials covering every available surfaces, shoes looming in the corner. The hallway is stacked with boxes containing everything else. My life, as represented by acquisitions, now divided by importance and soon to be weeded through by necessity.

It did not take a rocket scientist or even a Bible major to realize that the stack of “diva requirements” was much heavier than the allotted 50lbs per checked bag and there are only so many shoes that can fit in a carry-on. And now that only hi-jackers and bad guys are able to bring their toothpaste on board the plane, all liquids (which add up in the poundage department) had to be checked. I sorted through clothes, shoes, and liquids hundreds of times before finally slimming enough to fit into the appropriate weight class. Dad, Mom, Nick, Lygon, and Lexy – there is no way this would have happened without you! (Special thanks to Nick for packing my carry-on so efficiently that it nearly took a crowbar to get everything out. That was the most amazing stuffing I have ever seen. Not a single atom – and yes, I know how big an atom is – of space was not used. Dad and Mom, thank you for the wonderful suitcases. The pink bag was a huge hit and very easy to spot; rolled wonderfully too.

The night before I left, my family had a going away Taco party for me. The Leases, Cudmores, Larsons, Schulzes, Mike, Sarah, and the James’ all came to show their support and pray for me. What an amazing group of friends. I ate so much – had to get my fill for the year!

Thursday morning came in a rush. I had managed to finish nearly everything the night before despite all the stress – which included a five minute retreat under the covers to recoup. I might have shed a few tears of frustration and stress but I’m not admitting! After sleeping for a couple hours, I grabbed some last minute things, like my laptop (had to keep that out until the last minute, I needed a few “sanity” talks via AIM before going to bed) then headed out the door. Found out later that I should have grabbed my power cord too. *rolls eyes* Thankfully, saying good bye to the family happened in stages so I never broke down. Mom and Dad drove me to the airport. Security was easy, got through without a hitch. While waiting for the plane, I called Carrie to make sure she loved me lots. Lots and lots and would remember that when helping to haul my bags around!

She remembered and Carrie, Nicole, and I – through great fortitude and strength of spirit – managed to drag, pull, shove, cajole, and manipulate my absurdly heavy (but not over the limit!) bogs through terminal 6, over the air-train, through terminal 4, around a group of obviously-not-busy-enough airport workers, and out the curb where Carrie ran ahead to get the car. We then sat in the car, blatantly obstructing traffic, and enjoyed a much deserved homemade pumpkin muffin with homemade apple butter (courtesy of Nicole). After getting shooed by a security guard, we gladly left the airport and drove to Connecticut.

Let me say something about Nicole here. I had met her a couple times before and had liked her but had never had a chance to really hang out or talk with her much. So here is a girl who I’m not really sure likes me, I’m a bit intimidated, and now she’s helped haul my bags halfway around the airport, during which one of my bags decides to attack her! I felt so bad. Thankfully, it turns out; Nicole is one of the most fun, nicest, caring, neatest, etc people I have ever met! If you ever get a chance to meet her – you are lucky! And she’s an awesome cook!

posted by Unknown @ 11:24 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
First off - I'm alive! Some close calls but I am now in Jerusalem, Israel. Beautiful country, very different culture, and insane driving. I will post a more detailed blog soon. I am still trying to get internet set up in my room, right now I only have a few minutes until my next class. I felt I should at least give ya'll a quick update though.

I have a room, I have classes, I have a few friends, I have pictures (that will be posted soon), and I have awesome roommates. I can hardly believe I am actually here! I've wanted this for so long but now I am actually LIVING in Jerusalem. It has been interesting trying to get around. You just kinda start walking and hope you recognize something... (I should just get a map...)

For those of you who didn't know... I am now studying my MA in Israel at the Hebrew University. It is a two year degree but since I have gotten here and talked to advisors, professors, and students, it looks like I will probably have to be here three years to complete all my language requirements. I might be able to speed it up by taking winter and summer break programs.

I have to get to class now ... but please - send me updates on what you are doing, your life, everything! I feel so secluded out here!

Love you long time and miss you lots!
posted by Unknown @ 12:13 PM   0 comments
Saturday, October 14, 2006
I'm in New York. Just spent the afternoon in "The City." (What the locals call Manhattan.) Had an awesome time and definitely walked off every guilty thing I have eaten or will eat for the next week! I have to get off the computer, but wanted to let you know I've made it this far and in less than 48 hours I will be on a plane bound for London! Missing ya'll already!
posted by Unknown @ 7:18 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Well, the countdown has begun. Along with that, the insane amount of things that need to be done. But, of course, it is impossible to go to Walmart just ONCE. I have kept up a consistent circular pace with money flowing out the pockets! Why did I want to do this again? Oh yeah. It's gonna be awesome. :)

I have 7 more days in Colorado, Thursday I fly to New York, Sunday I fly to London, Monday I fly to Tel-Aviv. Then the fun really starts.
posted by Unknown @ 6:44 PM   0 comments